5 Ways A Home Renovation Can Improve Your Health

We have lived in our homes since forever and we’ve got used to the layout of the rooms as it was originally, when we moved in. That’s why we’re often unaware of the fact that some of them are not quite as good as they could be. So let’s take a look at the existing layout and try to remember what is disturbing us about it, and what we could change and make our home more efficient, comfortable and spacious. Renovations help us transform our homes into nicer and more practical living spaces, and thus promote healthier living habits.

The necessity of renovations

As time passes by, families outgrow their living space and their habits change; Nowadays families use far more electronic devices than ever before, so their living spaces should account for this need. Renovations become necessary for our mental health and physical well-being. Like old clothes: we overgrow them and they become worn out, and we need to change them or update them.

Insulation will keep your home atmosphere healthier and more comfortable

Renovating doesn’t always mean remodeling. Some spaces are very satisfactory as they are, but they only need a new touch. Let’s say your old attic is perfect for its purpose, but the insulation is worn out and it becomes too hot in summer and too cold in winter. 

The basement is another place where mold can occur if it is not properly insulated, and it can spread to ground floor and other areas of the home. Mold can cause asthma and allergies, among other health issues. 

So make sure you learn more about proper insulation on insulation4less and refresh your existing insulation, or completely change it, depending on its condition. Improving the insulation will improve the quality of life and save energy for cooling and heating which will, in turn, lower your energy bills. 

Renovate your floors

Although hardwood floors are usually the most comfortable option, they can become rough after the years of use. Luckily, they are also very easy to refresh by simply treating them with a new protective coat. If they are in a bad shape, it can be easily fixed with full sanding down and giving them a new coat of polish. You will be more than satisfied, they will look as good as brand new, and the surface will be once more easy to clean and maintain. You will be able to clean them every day with a dry mop, which means less vacuuming and dust, which – in turn – reduces the chances of developing any respiratory allergies.

Renovate to reduce mold and mildew

To reduce the presence of mold and mildew, especially in humid climates, you should ensure that you have good insulation and proper plumbing. So aside from checking the insulation, inspect the plumbing under the kitchen sink, leaking toilet or bathtub, ruptures in foundation, cracks in windows and doors caulking, wood beams and ceilings. Check out all the spaces where mold could be found and fix the insulation and plumbing if and where needed.

Renovate to feel happier and healthier

Some of us do not socialize as much as it would be necessary for a happy life simply because we may think that our living spaces are not as big or as beautiful as some others are. But every space can seem specious with well-organized furniture and a proper layout. 

In the living room, go for multipurpose furniture that can be used for both sitting and sleeping. If you feel like your kitchen and dining room are not attractive enough, give them some new cabinets and counters; Even a new faucet can entirely transform the space. Socializing will make you feel happier, and a happy person is a healthy person. Keeping your space nice and clean will increase your self-confidence and make you feel happier and more open for socializing.

Renovate your relationships if you are unsatisfied with some of your friends, this will also help you feel much happier down the line.

Jejune Contributor