5 Natural Ways to Fight Allergies This Spring

Allergy season is the worst season of all. There's so much pollen outside that you may be unable to step outdoors on some days without experiencing excessive sneezing, watery eyes or other irritating symptoms. Luckily, there are some easy ways to relieve yourself from these allergies — and they're all natural solutions.

1. Exercise in the Morning

You're in luck if you live somewhere with cold weather. Exercising four hours at a time in cold weather can result in decreased allergy symptoms and better breathing, both in the short-term and long-term future. While you may not be able to exercise for four hours every day, you may consider getting enough exercise in the morning to help your allergy symptoms improve over time.

2. Opt for Vitamin D

Getting outside might be the last thing you want to do when you feel under the weather, but the sunshine can help you. If you can tolerate being outside, choose a day with lower pollen counts for your area. Being out in the sun might reduce inflammatory symptoms, which could help fight against swollen eyes and other allergic reactions. Either take a Vitamin D supplement or spend some time safely in the sunshine.

3. Surround Yourself With Different Plants

If you're allergic to pollen, you may wonder if hypoallergenic plants really exist. You don't need to force yourself to stay inside or spend a whole season without any greenery in your home. Plants and green spaces can improve your mental health, which is crucial when it feels like your physical health is suffering.

You can opt for plants that coexist well with allergy sufferers. For example, orchids are a great option because they produce very little pollen, meaning they likely won't interfere with your allergies. You can still appreciate beautiful blooms without sending your allergies into overdrive.

4. Irrigate Your Nostrils

Sometimes, you can't stop the allergy symptoms from coming, but you can prevent them from ruining your day. A nasal rinse kit could be just the thing to flush out your sinuses and you can do it every day. The process might initially feel strange, but you'll likely see a major improvement in your sinuses.

Irrigating your nostrils is great to do right before bed so you can sleep better. Alternatively, you can do it before you go to work or school so you can concentrate on what's important. You must ensure the water you use is distilled or you might get an amoeba infection. Clean the device you use after every rinse.

5. Eat the Right Things

What you eat might also influence your immune system's response to environmental allergies. Getting enough omega-3 fatty acids can reduce some of your inflammatory symptoms and help your immune system function as it should. Some meat-free foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds, walnuts and brussels sprouts.

6. Use an Air Purifier

An air purifier can help remove any allergens in your home, which is great if you’re also allergic to pet dander and have dogs or cats. Though an air purifier can be costly, it can also help you feel safe in your home during allergy season. HEPA air filters — those with a fine mesh that filter over 99% of airborne particles — are the best at dealing with allergies and sickness caused by viruses and bacteria.

7. Shower At Night

When you’ve been out and about all day, you’re likely carrying pollen in your hair and clothes. You should always change out of your “outside clothes” when you get home — especially if you’re prone to allergies — so you can wash them. Showering at the end of the day can remove the pollen that sticks to fine hairs in your eyebrows and arms. This way, you can minimize your exposure to the allergens while potentially opening up your stuffy nose, thanks to the steam of a shower.

Take Steps to Improve Your Allergies Naturally

While you may never be able to get rid of your allergies completely, you still have several ways of treating them or minimizing the symptoms. One of these suggestions should easily fit into your life without disrupting your daily routine. Try different techniques and see what works best for you. You might be surprised at what can ease your allergy symptoms during pollen season.