Posts tagged Band
Learning the Art of Sound Experimentation with The New Twentys

The New Twentys is an England based band made up of two brothers, Harry and Jimmy Morris, and friend Chris Bourne. Their rock’n sound is further accentuated in their recent single, ‘Heart’s In The Right Place.’ The band hopes that listeners of the song will take away a feeling of encouragement to pursue their own passions and interests. The New Twentys are a completely independent band — writing, recording, and producing everything themselves. In their interview with Jejune they said the best part about the production process is the experimentation. For instance, in their newest single ‘Rush’ which was just released on March 18th, you might be able to hear a mouth trumpet, an elephant blowing it’s trunk, or a screaming baby. Despite all the fun they have recording, the band also gives back through their work with The Amber Foundation, which is an independent charity that helps homeless and unemployed young people turn their lives around. Read on in our interview with The New Twentys to learn more about their newest single, upcoming tour, and charity work.

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