Posts tagged Complexity
VUCA On The New Immersive Album - 'The Geometry of Lies'

VUCA, which stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, is an art collective based out of Milwaukee, WI. The first project within the experimental art collective is called The Geometry of Lies and is an immersive alternate reality concept album, featuring a novel, album, and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. The idea for this immersive album came to be during the thick of quarantine in 2020, when the backstory of the songs started to blend into chapters of a novel. Over thirty artists have worked on this project, and they partnered Drops - an AR startup out of NYC, to bring the experience to life. With the release of the collective’s new singles, ‘Shine’ and ‘Glamour',’ listeners can really dive into the story that VUCA has created. ‘Shine’ was featured at the Planned Parenthood of WI at their annual event to support this year's theme of "Be Visible,” marking the second time the collective has partnered with the organization. Read on in our interview with VUCA to learn about their creative process, the artists they have collaborated with, and their new singles.

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