Posts tagged tiny homes village
Fighting Homelessness & Poverty with HOPE

During one of the largest economic crises our country has ever seen, when cities are forcing landlords not to evict tenants who can’t pay, thousands have lost their jobs, and the number of homeless has yet to be calculated, there is hope. There is hope in Tiny Homes. Hope of the Valley’s Tiny Homes Villages is one of the most beautiful initiatives I have heard about so far in 2021. In one of the cities in the US that has the worst numbers of homelessness, Los Angeles, this organization is just stating the fight, and they are doing it in style. They have set up a transitional micro-village, where people wanting to pull themselves off the streets are given the resources to do so. Hope of the Valley has no only done this smartly, but also sensitively for the people who are moving in. They make sure they are safe, clean, feed, and even have a dog park for those with pets. I’m so excited to share with you our exclusive interview with the CEO of Hope of the Valley, Ken Craft.

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