Cybr - Melodies of Remembrance

It all started with a brief 15-second TikTok video featuring Basia Mallet’s (known as Cybr) late grandfather, Charles Mallet. Together, Cybr and Charles defied the prevailing notion that technology merely created divisions between the older and younger generations, crafting heartwarming videos that gathered admiration from millions of viewers. Beyond TikTok, Cybr launched her debut song, "Life Without You" after the recent passing of her grandfather, and made her directorial debut with the documentary "The Questions I Ask Dementia," featuring her grandfather in a prominent role. To learn more about Cybr, continue reading.

Where are you based?
Los Angeles, California.

What inspired you to start posting content on TikTok?
Since I was young, I've dreamt of being recognized for my work. It was only a matter of time before I discovered a topic to create content about, aiming to share it with the world in a positive light.

We are so sorry for your loss. Your grandfather Charles Mallet brought joy to many viewers through his videos. How has posting online changed both of your lives?
Creating content on TikTok with my grandfather not only shifted my perspective on his character but also demonstrated that, regardless of life's circumstances, hard work can inspire those in your community. Through this experience, I've gained valuable life lessons.

What message did you hope to send through your videos?
I aim to convey the importance of spending quality time with older individuals. Their lives hold equal significance, and the message is clear: it's never too late to embrace joy and have fun together.

As technology evolves, the gap between the older generation and technology grows. What are some steps people should take to prevent this from happening?
Bridge the technology gap with older individuals by fostering connections, just as I did with my grandpa. Creatively incorporate technology into their lives, recognizing that we can learn from each other. Together, as a unified community, let's embrace the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

How would you describe your grandfather? How has he impacted your life?
Describing my grandfather as a breath of fresh air might sound a bit cliché, but I genuinely mean it. His presence exuded impeccable energy, consistently uplifting and inspiring those around him to believe in themselves. He played a significant role in my life, and my love for him will endure forever.

What do you want people to remember your grandfather by?
I hope people recall his pure spirit—a rarity in our world—and his commitment to doing things with good intentions, a value my grandpa cherished. Additionally, I want them to remember that my grandpa shared his story and gained popularity at an older age, emphasizing the message that nothing is impossible.

Your song “Life Without You” is beautiful. Can you tell us the story behind this song?
In memory of my grandpa, who passed away last September, I felt compelled to write a song dedicated to him. He always encouraged me to create music, and within the song, you'll find a heartfelt snippet of him offering his ongoing support and encouragement.

It is really sweet that you include your grandfather’s voice into the song. What do you think he would have thought of the song?
I believe my grandpa would be immensely proud. He'd likely listen to the song repeatedly, given his deep love for music, and express congratulations. My grandpa inspired the creation of this song, and I'm committed to producing more to inspire people worldwide.

Your documentary film, “The Questions I Ask Dementia” starring your grandfather, has won various awards. Can you tell us a little bit about this film and what you hope people get from it?
I aspire for people to gain a deeper understanding of the life of someone with dementia, appreciating the daily struggles they encounter while attempting simple tasks that those without dementia often take for granted.

Can you share with us some of the emotions and thoughts that ran through your mind when you found out you won? Were you able to share these wins with your grandfather?
I shared these wins with my grandfather, and even though he wasn't fully aware at the time, he would still smile and express words like “congratulations” or “I love you." He even held my first award. I was genuinely excited about the film winning awards because I believed it was truly inspiring, and I was delighted that others shared the same sentiment.

We heard that you have been working with the Alzheimer’s Association of Los Angeles. Can you tell us about your work with them?
Last year, I participated in a panel where I shared more about the platform I created for my grandfather and expressed my perspective on dementia. I'm still collaborating with them, and I look forward to potential significant projects together in the future.

Are there any facts about Alzheimer’s or dementia you would like to share and raise awareness about?
I want to emphasize that dementia and Alzheimer’s are challenging diseases, impacting both the individual and the family members providing care. If you have a family member affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s, consider offering support, even if it's simply spending time with them.

What advice would you give to a person who has a family member affected by Alzheimer’s or dementia?
Regrettably, everyone's journey concludes, as it did for my grandfather. My mom and a few family members played a crucial role in ensuring his comfort during his final moments. My advice is to spend time with elderly individuals affected by dementia, bring smiles and laughter, reminisce about good memories and create new ones. No one lives forever, but everyone deserves to leave the world with a happy spirit.

Are there any upcoming projects you would like to share?
Certainly. I have a documentary set to release later this year, along with new music and additional makeup content in the pipeline. Stay tuned!

It has been a crazy past few years, how have you been staying positive?
I won't pretend I've remained positive throughout because there have been more challenging times than good. Honestly, makeup has been a significant outlet for me, allowing me to express myself through creativity.

What is your motto in life?
My life motto is "Be yourself," inspired by my grandpa's wise advice that I've embraced since childhood.

To learn more about Cybr, please follow the links below.
TikTok: @2000povs
Instagram: 2000povs