Posts tagged elderly
Cybr - Melodies of Remembrance

It all started with a brief 15-second TikTok video featuring Basia Mallet’s (known as Cybr) late grandfather, Charles Mallet. Together, Cybr and Charles defied the prevailing notion that technology merely created divisions between the older and younger generations, crafting heartwarming videos that gathered admiration from millions of viewers. Beyond TikTok, Cybr launched her debut song, "Life Without You" after the recent passing of her grandfather, and made her directorial debut with the documentary "The Questions I Ask Dementia," featuring her grandfather in a prominent role. To learn more about Cybr, continue reading.

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Juliana Morehouse - Making Memories Last

Crowned Miss Maine 2023, Juliana Morehouse is a twenty-something old soul, writer and philanthropist who will serve the state of Maine this year. Her intelligence, passion, and drive make her an ideal role model for young women across the state of Maine and beyond. She is a leader and an advocate for change and progress. Juliana is currently a Community Educator and writer for The Alzheimer’s Association. She travels across Maine to host presentations and share information and resources about the disease. She also helps to plan events such as walks and charity bowling tournaments. Juliana's crowning is a clear representation of how far Maine has come in terms of inclusivity and acceptance. Her grace, poise, and dedication to the cause of finding a cure for Alzheimer's make her a perfect choice to represent Maine in the Miss USA Pageant. Continue reading to find out more about her work and learn how she plans to use her platform as Miss Maine to reach a larger audience and bring about change in the fight to end Alzheimer's. We are sure that she will make Maine proud!

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COVER - Yves Mathieu East - The Face Of Change

Jejune has the pleasure to share with you one of the most inspiring people we have ever met — Yves Mathieu East. Yves is a born and breed New Yorker, who is one of a kind. At the young age of 13 he convinced his mother to let him get his first tattoo, he is now head to toe covered in them. What is magical about Yves is once you start speaking to him, all you see is him, the tattoos are just a part of him that completely unquestionably make sense. A lot about Yves is like this. We were on set, and this guy was nothing but waves and “have a nice day” to every single person who walked by! It is actually pretty shocking that he grew up in NYC with how friendly he is.

This beautiful openness to the world does not come from naivety, Yves has seen the dark side of life, in fact, it is more that he wants to be that person who is the change — who gives those who need it the most hope. With no questions asks he will throw on his backpack, maybe pack up a pitbull, and head off to what issue needs him next, be this LGQTQ+ rights, Black Lives Matter, Abortion rights, rehabilitating pitbulls, or spending time with the elderly. This guy really does it all! Please read further to learn more about his incredible guy.

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Aidan Tulloch - Song For Armageddon

Aidan Tulloch, artist and activist, spoke with us on how the nationwide lockdown helped him to push forth to create his new EP “Somewhere With Out Lights.” With songs like “Song For Armageddon”, Aidan is already discussing what we are all currently feeling in his music. When Aidan isn’t busy writing music or at school, he is actively sharing music with elderly, refugee asylum seekers, and adults with learning disabilities — after all, “music is something that unites us all together”. Please read further to learn more about Aidan, his music, and how he is giving back.

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How NY State Failed Their Elderly During COVID-19

I’m angry. I’m not going to lie. I have hit that point in my grief. But I’m also happy to hear that the murmurs of unrest are starting to rise. People are moving past clutching their rolls of toilet paper as they hang on every word NY Governor Andrew Cuomo tells them. The panic and fear are starting to melt away as the sun is slowly finally starting to shine again on New York City. Yes, we are slowly starting to open up, and we can debate on how much longer that will take, I don’t have the answer to that. There is one thing I do know, there will be a lot less elderly to worry about during any additional waves in New York, thanks to our state government and Andrew Cuomo.

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