Dr. Sasha Hamdani - Revolutionizing Psychiatry in the Digital Era

What if there was an app that helped people with ADHD better understand their behaviors? Meet FocusGenie, created by Dr. Sasha Hamdani. This app contains a variety of features that allow users to customize their experience. Dr. Sasha Hamdani brings to light a frequently stigmatized topic that many people decide to keep hidden behind closed doors, and with her growing platform on social media, she continues to break barriers. Read on to learn more about Dr. Sasha Hamdani and how this new app can help people with ADHD!

Where are you based?
I am in Kansas City, but split time on both of the coasts because that is where my family is!

What inspired you to pursue a degree in psychiatry?
I got into medical school right out of high school, so I knew I wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid. My mom was a pediatrician and is literally the happiest human on earth. My dad told me I could do whatever I wanted to do but to find a career where I could help people. I originally went to school to become a pediatrician like my mom, but after struggling to get through medical school with ADHD, I decided to switch to psychiatry. It has been the best decision of my life.

Congratulations on the launch of your new app FocusGenie. Could you tell us about it?
FocusGenie is a comprehensive ADHD management platform that offers you a way to better understand and behaviorally manage ADHD, build healthy routines, and enhance day-to-day functioning. It teaches you about your brain and gives you the tools to optimize your life, all without breaking the bank. It’s also the first and only ADHD app created by a Board-certified psychiatrist, who ALSO has ADHD (me!). It has fun, little social-media style swipe through educational modules, intuitive to-do lists to better manage your time, body doubling to boost productivity, personalized insights to learn from your own patterns, and so much more. It is also gamified so it’s fun and engaging to use.

What inspired you to create an app concentrated on ADHD? How is your app different from what is already out there?
I think it was more out of necessity. I wanted to find a place that had everything I needed in one place, instead of having to split my time and efforts across multiple different apps. It has both the educational component and productivity tools to help you accomplish your goals.

As a person with ADHD, what part of your app do you find most useful?
I love all of it, honestly, but I think my favorite part is the Focus Tracker. I love that because it is such an easy way to track my patterns and my progress (as well as keeps me accountable for maintaining my goals).

We also heard that you released your debut book, “Self-Care for People with ADHD.” Can you tell us what it is about?
This book has everything I wish I had known when I was struggling with symptoms in school. I felt very alone and confused and frankly, chaotic, at that time. The book has usable, actionable tools about how to regulate your brain. Plus, each chapter is two paragraphs long and you can pick it up from anywhere. I think it’s crafted in a really ADHD-friendly way. It is present everywhere books are sold, but I think it’s cheapest at Amazon and Barnes and Noble right now.

Mental health has been the center of attention in recent years. If you could offer some friendly advice to someone going through a tough time with their mental health, what would it be?
That you are not alone. So many of us suffer silently, which makes mental health so intrinsically isolating. If you are having a hard time reach out to others for support: family, friends, teachers, counselors, physicians. There are also online resources if privacy is an issue — including the 988 hotline.

ADHD is a complex and widely misunderstood condition. What do you want the lay person to know about ADHD?
I would want them to know that ADHD is a neurobiological condition. Not a phenomenon of laziness or an excuse for certain behavior. I would also want them to know that if they have concerns about ADHD, it is never too late to get evaluated.

ADHD seems to be becoming a more widely diagnosed disorder. Do you think this is because it is increasing in society or because we are just recognizing it more? If you think it is becoming more common, why do you think that might be?
I don’t actually think it is increasing in society. I think we are just starting to recognize symptoms better and are talking about it more. As we reduce stigma, more people are seeking out care.

Writing a book and programming an app does not sound easy. How did you stay focused? Have you faced any challenges while working on these projects? If so, how did you overcome them?
Neither of them were easy and both have felt very overwhelming at times. However, I recognize that my brain flourishes in topics that I am naturally interested in (so I can be very productive at those times) and I was lucky enough to rely on other people to help me when I would lose focus and motivation. My sister Saher is the co-founder of FocusGenie and has always been there to help me when my brain loses steam.

How do you maintain a balance between work, personal life, and self-care with ADHD?
I don’t. I feel like all of it is constantly in flux and I wish I could dedicate more time to each of those categories. BUT I will tell you that just acknowledging that and not beating myself up when that balance skews slightly one way or the other has allowed me to provide myself with a little grace as I try to course-correct.

It has been a crazy past few years, how have you been staying positive?
I stay positive by LOOKING AT THE POSITIVES. I think there is incredible value in gratitude. I often try to end my day with things that I am grateful for which allows me to be more present and joyful in whatever is happening at the moment.

What is your motto in life?
It is something I stole from my dad. So really this is his motto, but I love it too. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Keeping that in mind has guided many of my decisions.

To learn more about Dr. Sasha Hamdani, please follow the links below:
Instagram: @thepsychdoctormd
TikTok: @thepsychdoctormd
YouTube: @thepsychdoctormd
The Focus Genie
Instagram: @thefocusgenie
TikTok: @thefocusgenie

Team Credits:
Photographer: Itzel Sanchez
Styling: Banana Republic