Posts tagged artists
A List of Indigenous Artists in a Variety of Mediums

Art comes in various forms, and is widely celebrated throughout all cultures. It has the power to bring people together, and tell a story that is not felt the same through words. In celebration of American Indian Heritage Month, Jejune wants to showcase some amazing indigenous artists who are telling the stories of their heritage through a variety of mediums. Within the article, you can find painters, musicians, dancers, film and television directors, and photographers; all bringing their native magic to their art. With Thanksgiving just behind us, it is our hope that you may also commemorate the people who were here before us, and acknowledge that they are still here with a very powerful voice.

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Raffaele Capuano Challenges Model Behavior

Defining what makes an “X” factor or “star power” is nearly impossible, but we’re pretty certain that Raffaele Cupuano definitely falls into those categories. With a palpable stage presence as a runway model and a growing career as a rapper, is there any audience that won’t be enraptured with his performances? However, there’s much more to Cupuano’s journey. Under the stage name, South RC, Cupuano challenges model behavior on two levels — first as a runway model turned rapper and second through his rap lyrics that call out unjust police harassment. His single “Fresh Zone” explores the realities of bias and injustice when it comes to who and what are policed and how. As a voice for change, South RC uses his songs to shed light on the cracks in broken systems. In our interview with Cupuano, we get to know more about the story behind his music and how he is giving back to local and global communities. Continue reading for our exclusive interview below!

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