LaBante - Apple Leather Accessories!

LaBante is changing the way people look at bags and accessories. Based in London, the brand has an interesting approach to reinventing typical materials to be more sustainable and ethical. The founder, Vanita Badlani , whose career started in Banking, was quick to create a market that catered to producing bespoke designer bags that were a byproduct of her love for fashion and vegetarianism. Rooting itself in fashion respect, LaBante’s core values are reflected in the quality of their handbags and their ethical manners of working. Let Jejune Magazine help you know more about LaBante!

Where are you based?
We are headquartered in London, UK, but we have warehouses in the UK and USA, to cater to our North American clients.

What made you start LaBante? Where did the name ‘LaBante’ come from?
The brand was founded in 2009; however, the idea was born much earlier. I come from a banking background, and something that would constantly play on my mind was finding a handbag that could fit everything I take to work, but did not harm the environment or sacrifice style. I saw this gap in the market and took a chance! LaBante was subsequently started as a women-owned vegan brand. In 2019 I was also fortunate enough to be invited by Fabian network, a think tank for the UK government, to discuss fixing the fashion bill. This involved many critical aspects of sustainable fashion practices in the UK and was a great honor to be a part of. ‘Labante’ comes from the sanskrit, which means ‘to truly achieve,’ which can also be interpreted as the circle of life — giving back to the planet much more than we take.

Why is being vegan and sustainable important to you?
I believed there was a gap in the fashion industry to make high quality products that were not only beautiful and vied for, but were also cruelty free, sustainable, and, at the same time, accessible. If we all come together to make these changes, our planet will have a chance for survival.

Many of your designs use vegan leather. What other types of materials do you use?
The linings of our bags are made from recycled plastic bottles that would have otherwise gone to a landfill. To date, LaBante has saved over 10 million plastic bottles from heading to the landfills.

Speaking of leather, you recently came out with Apple Leather Shoes?! Umm.. tell us more! How are apples turned into leather? Are you only using apple leather for these shoes? Do you plan to use it for more? What made you decide to try it out?
We source the apples from Tyrol, a region in Italy with a sizable juicing industry and a bountiful harvest of fruit for our Apple Leather Shoes. Naturally, this industry created a lot of waste products, and the pulp, skin and core were often discarded, having no other usage. This is not the case anymore. We can now make vegan leather by recovering this waste product and transforming it into a sustainable material combined with other recycled fabrics to produce a textured fabric that looks and feels like genuine leather. What’s more, the few virgin materials used means fewer natural resources are extracted from the planet, creating lower emissions and lower energy consumption across the entire production. We will definitely be using more of it!

Do you have a favorite sustainable material that excites you?
Apple skin leather is a great natural alternative to animal hide leather. It is durable and breathable while also being hypoallergenic and UV resistant. But the most important thing about it is; it is entirely sustainable and ethical.

You use sustainable diamonds with your jewelry line. Can you tell us a bit about what makes them sustainable?
Our jewelry line is made from moissanite as opposed to diamonds, which is a much more sustainable option. Moissanite is man-made, meaning no mining is used. Thus limiting its carbon footprint as people do not have to use machinery to excavate it, and ecosystems are also not affected by its production, unlike genuine diamonds. Moissanite diamonds will also last forever, so you don’t have to worry about them tarnishing or breaking. You are not losing quality and durability when you buy moissanite, so making the switch from diamonds to moissanite is as seamless as it seems! What’s more, due to moissanite affordability, you can choose a bigger carat size for your jewellery than you usually would if you were to buy natural diamonds.

We love that with every vegan handbag sold you plant 10 trees, can you tell us a bit about this initiative?
We donate at least 10% of our profits to charities and plant ten trees for every item sold, making the purchase carbon-negative for our customers. This contributes further to our belief in circular fashion.

We also love that you donate 10% of your profits to charity! How do you choose what charities to donate to? Do you know who you will be donating to this year?
The ethos of LaBante is always Fashion with Respect; this belief is at the centre of everything that we do. To date, we have supported the following charities: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), St. John’s Hospice, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, MacMillan Cancer Support, and The Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We donate at least 10% of our profits to these charities and plant ten trees for every item sold, making the purchase carbon-negative for our customers.

The fashion industry has been in a weird place since covid. Where do you think the fashion industry is headed in terms of sustainability and environmental consciousness?
Putting an end to greenwashing has always been one of our core values, long before it was ‘trendy’ to be an advocate for it. There is a tendency for brands to claim that they are ethical and do not promote greenwashing, but then it comes to light that they have unethical practices. It has always been important for us to be transparent, and be able to show this to our customers.

It has been a rough few years, how have you been staying positive during these times?
Every morning, I meditate, which helps me go into the day with a clear mind and a clear intention.

What is your motto in life?
Fashion with respect!

To learn more about LaBante, please follow:
Instagram: @labante_london
Pinterest: @labantelondon