Posts tagged healthy kids
Remaining Constant with Tabay Atkins

Tabay Atkins, California’s very own Yoga, and Reiki prodigy is on a mission! Tabay wishes to share the significance of a healthy and positivity-filled lifestyle. Yoga has changed his life in more ways than one, and those around him prove as a success story of his fundamental values. This amazing young adult has instructed Yoga to countless individuals and has accumulated almost 1000 hours of teacher training experience. Tabay serves as a role model and mentor to adults and children alike, and Jejune is here for it! If you are interested in Tabay’s humanitarian work, his journey to becoming a NIKE athlete, or his tips for healthy living, please continue reading below!

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The Effects of TV on the Health of the Next Generation

No-Face’s feast from Spirited Away, the grey stuff from Beauty and the Beast, and an instant Mcdonald’s microwave from Spy Kids are all things we dreamed about at some point of our childhood. Movie after movie, we saw characters stuff their faces with feasts we could only pester our mom for on our weekly grocery shop. Whilst seemingly harmless, the effects of such representations can have a bigger impact on the well-being of the next generation than we would expect.

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