Posts tagged mandates
The Future With Omicron

This time last year the world was faced with the toughest holiday season yet, but with the hope that next year would be significantly better. With the possibilities of further lockdowns, weakening vaccinations, and new restrictions being increasingly discussed, many now fear a repeat of 2020. Despite this being the last thing governments want to do, with the increasing fears of the new Omicron variant will it be the harsh reality we have to face?

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Moving From Canada to Tennessee During COVID-19

The pandemic ushered me into a season of change that was unexpected. I have been a graduate student working on my Ph.D. for the last five years as an international student in Canada. 2020 was meant to be my final year when I would see myself achieve a career goal of becoming a “doctor.” However, months into the pandemic, I found myself needing more financial security and emotional support than being a doctoral student would (and could) allow. So, in November, I packed up my belongings and moved back to my hometown for a job in higher-ed that would allow me to make a livable wage and live in a less expensive area.

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