Posts tagged public health
Deep: The Art of Self-surrender

If someone hasn't told you already, meditation and yoga are cheat codes for life. Accruing internal balance and calmness from yoga will make your day-to-day peaceful and whole. Don't know where to start? Start with Deep! Based in Virginia and Washington D.C, Deep, AKA DeepElevation LLC, will take you to new heights. Deep is a Yogi, life coach, and author ready to guide the masses to tranquility. His Punjabi ancestry further helps him achieve spirituality on a deeper level, and he is prepared to share his gifts with the world. Deep is well versed in Ashtanga Vinyasa and Yoga Nidra, and his talents have opened him up to teaching in prisons and war zones. Not only is he the go-to guy for learning self harmony, but he is also a published author! His recently released book innocence, which is a collection of stories and poems that delves into vulnerability and embraces the concept of shedding social norms and influence. 50% of this book's profits go to the Khalsa Aid & Islamic Relief, which is providing necessities for those affected by poverty. Jejune is delighted to talk to the wise Deep about his insights on the world. This interview covers his incredible pro-Bono work, his book innocence, and how to self-surrender at will. Please continue reading below!

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Moving From Canada to Tennessee During COVID-19

The pandemic ushered me into a season of change that was unexpected. I have been a graduate student working on my Ph.D. for the last five years as an international student in Canada. 2020 was meant to be my final year when I would see myself achieve a career goal of becoming a “doctor.” However, months into the pandemic, I found myself needing more financial security and emotional support than being a doctoral student would (and could) allow. So, in November, I packed up my belongings and moved back to my hometown for a job in higher-ed that would allow me to make a livable wage and live in a less expensive area.

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