Posts tagged skin
Grace & Stella Makes The Perfect Spa Day!

As some of you may know, I have been in crazy competition mode. For some crazy reason all the big comps are back to back this year leaving my body crying for some self love. Other than massages and rolling my body out, I’m fairly notorious for neglecting self love. So, I was super excited when Grace & Stella reached out to me to try some of their products. Grace & Stella checks all the boxes! They are vegan, cruelty free, natural ingredients, paraben-free, and have tons of fun products that will leave your skin glowing.

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Skincare De La Heart

With there being so many beauty products on the market these days it is hard to know what to try. I’m personally new to the idea of lymphatic drainage, but as an all natural girl, it just makes sense! The way I see it, it is a three step process. First, you exfoliate your skin through dry brushing; makes sense, it is good to get rid of dead skin cells. Next, you shower to clean all that off. Finally, you use, basically, a massage tool with oil all over your body. I mean, who doesn’t want a full body massage?! I have only tried De La Heart’s kit a few times now, but I can say my skin feels softer and happier after the process. But don’t take it from me, we spoke to the pro herself, owner of De La Heart Giordana Vogel, to break down the lymphatic drainage process, all the nuances, and tell us a bit more about her business. Please read on!

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The Best Vegan and Natural Soaps of 2022: Treat Your Skin with Kindness

It can be hard to find the right soap, whether you have oily skin, dry skin, or even if you are trying to focus on anti aging, soap can all be so overwhelming. As soap has been used for thousands of years by humans, it is still so often underrated, there are so many different types and uses for soaps that can help add so many benefits to one's skin. Taking time for self care and overall maintaining your skin's health is so important… So take note!

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