Veggie Kitty Will Turn you Vegan In A Hot Meow!

Meet the adorable Veggie Kitty, and be inspired to go vegan through her fun memes, tweets, videos, and posts. She will have you chuckling along, wanting to share her thoughts, and eating your veggies in no time. Please see some of Jejune’s favorites and her interview below.

Veggie Kitty herself!

What made you decide to go vegan?
I actually saw a friend on Facebook post a status saying she was going raw vegan, and I was like what the heck is that? What’s a vegan? I always thought they were the weird skinny people that ate alfalfa sprouts! So I began to research myself and I saw so many slaughterhouse videos and that was it! Pretty overnight for me, I couldn’t allow myself to support that kind of cruelty. I’m 10000% vegan for the animals!

How long have you been vegan?
I have been vegan for 4 and a half beautiful years!

Did you find making the change difficult?
For me it really wasn’t hard at all! It just requires a little extra thought in the beginning, but because it was such a morally based decision for me, I was happy to make the switch! I had a little resistance from my family at first, but now I’ve been able to convert my mom and educate family members!

What is your favorite dish?
Oh my goodness, I am such a foodie so this question is HARD! But I love me vegan comfort food, so I would say vegan mac and cheeze takes my heart!

What got you started into being more socially aware with your veganism?
Veganism helped me awaken, and started my spiritual journey! I have another account, Karmic Kat, where I promote mindfulness and spirituality! I love using various platforms to promote vegan living. I see so many people that don’t feel good, that are angry, upset, and that could really benefit from veganism and spirituality! I want to help others make the transition to their highest and best selves, and I believe going vegan is the first most important step! I love making others laugh, and know they aren’t alone in this journey! With positivity and love we can make the world go vegan!

Do you work with any organizations with your animal activism?
I have started a few animal rights groups on the east coast, which has been so fun! I started one of the first groups in Atlanta last year, and now it has taken off! I was also the President of my animal rights club in college, and held peaceful protests and events. I love being in involved in activism, but now I put a lot of time and energy into Veggie Kitty to make funny memes and videos to spread the word! \

Jejune loves all your vegan posts, what got you interested in starting them and making the memes?
It was honestly so random, I had this idea to create a vegan meme account because YOLO! I had no idea it would get this much traction and I’m so happy people enjoy my content! I’m truly so grateful! I’m a funny person and I believe humor is universal! I think my style of humor helps make veganism a bit more approachable, and I just keep the positive vibes flowing to encourage people to make the switch!

What advice would you give someone trying to go vegan?
Watch my “5 Tips for New Vegans” video on my YouTube! Ha! But take your time and be gentle with yourself! It is a huge switch and it can be overwhelming at times. Identify your “why” right off the bat so that when people or situations becoming challenging you stand strong in your convictions! Much love to those transitioning, ya’ll got this!

What do you feel is the best way to educate people about the importance of being vegan?
Everyone has their own style, so whatever works best for that individual is great for the cause! I personally think humor and positive energy are important ways to advocate for veganism. Find your own unique voice, use it to help make others consider veganism, and just lead by example!