COVER - Can't Catch Violett Beane

Violett Beane is best known for her role as Jesse Quick on CW’s The Flash, but she has been more recently starring in a really sweet show called God Friended Me (GFM) on CBS. In God Friended Me, her friends and her are randomly connected with strangers who need help through a “God” Facebook account. Talk about a feel good show. (Side note, God Friended Me is also my mother’s favorite show and she was super excited to hear we were featuring Violett.) Clearly, Violett has a knack for the hero roles! In addition to doing good on the screen, she also is a passionate vegan and animal rights advocate. Please look and read further to see our sustainable cover fashion story and interview with Violett Beane.

Foreword by Kira Bucca, Editor in Chief of Jejune Magazine.

Where are you based?
Currently I’m in Brooklyn, NY and I’m kind of in love with it. I moved here two years ago for my show God Friended Me, but before that I had never pictured myself living here. In fact, I always thought I would hate it for any longer than just a visit. But there’s something truly magical about the city, something I haven’t found anywhere else. I love the cultural diversity you get to see every time you step out your front door, the insane amount of amazing restaurants, which is probably due to that first bit, and the interactions I get to have daily.

How did you get into acting?
I’ve always been into creative activities: singing, dancing, acting. My mom was a middle school art teacher and she always encouraged my brother and I to create in any way we wanted. Acting just felt right to me.

You are currently a part of the feel good comedy-drama “God Friended Me.” Can you tell us a little bit about this show, and your character Cara Bloom?
Cara Bloom is a journalist for an online magazine and helps Miles on “God Account” cases. She’s headstrong, smart, and gentle and I’ve had a really amazing last two years playing her.

Why do you think Cara Bloom decides to help Miles and Rakesh with the god account cases?
When you first meet her, she’s struggling with the fact that her mom left her when she was young and she doesn’t know how, or if, she’ll even be able to reconnect with her. The God Account helps her do that and she begins to form a relationship with her mom. She realizes what an amazing thing that is, and so she decides to stick around and help other people feel the same way.

Right now, religion has become a touchy topic. Why do you think it is important that we have a show like “God Friended Me”?
GFM handles religion in such a beautiful way. The whole message of our show is that it doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from — we’re all human and we’re all trying to figure out this crazy thing called life. The fact that the leads for the show all have a different religious identity (atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity), but it isn’t the focus of conflict, is pretty unique, and it shows that you can live that way in the real world too.

The real take home of the show is that we need to treat others well and do good. How has this influenced your life? Do you find yourself randomly helping others more?
I’m definitely more aware of it then I was before working on the show. Cara is a very sweet person who genuinely enjoys helping people, so there’s no way for that not to rub off on me at least a little.

This isn’t the first show where you play a character that is helping people. You were also Jesse Quick, in The Flash. Can you tell us a little bit about playing Jesse?
Jesse is similarly headstrong, but younger and more reckless. She also has a lot more responsibilities, you know saving an entire planet from impending doom and all. And she was only 18 when she got her powers, so that was a lot all at once for her.

Do you find yourself drawn to these more hero like roles?
I always want to feel proud of my work and of the messages that I put out, so I would say in a way I enjoy reflecting a positive image into the world. That being said, I would love to play someone truly evil, to dive deep into the villainous side of humanity and push myself.

What was it like filming some of the speed scenes and the fight scenes in The Flash?
The running scenes are kind of crazy because you’re acting against a green screen and reacting to crazy things “around you“. Also, you’re just running in place but you’re putting all of your energy into it to sell it, and I actually got tired and sore from it! I know, embarrassing!

During this time you had an awesome costume for Jesse Quick, but it was made from leather. As a passionate vegan, how did this make you feel? If you go back to The Flash or any other superhero roles, would you make sure your suit is vegan friendly?
At the time, I wasn’t plant-based so, honestly, the thought never crossed my mind. Now that I’m more aware of what I eat and wear, I would have more of an issue with it. I would absolutely feel comfortable requesting that now. I feel like I have a bigger voice now, plus that’s something a production should accommodate.

Tell us a little bit about your decision to go vegan. Why is being vegan important to you?
I’ve struggled with digestive issues for over five years now. I tried everything including the elimination and paleo diets. Cutting out gluten and dairy made a huge difference, but something still wasn’t right. I decided to cut out meat and fish not only because of my own personal health issues, but I’d also read a lot on the environmental impact of the meat farming industry. So it seemed like a win-win!

How long have you been vegan, and were there any hurdles along the way?
I’ve been doing this for about three years now and, to be honest, it wasn’t that difficult. The hardest part is definitely the cravings we all get for cheese because there’s nothing quite like it. Fortunately, I really enjoy cooking and trying new products/restaurants, so I’ve had a really fun time coming up with new recipes and replacement ideas.

Do you have a favorite vegan dish?
I have a ton! My favorite snack/appetizer is buffalo cauliflower with a vegan ranch or blue cheese. My favorite dinner is mushroom fajita tacos with rice and beans. And my favorite dessert is every single dessert ever. :)

Do you have any favorite cruelty-free brands?
One of my favorite cruelty-free and all natural skincare brands is True Botanicals. I love the essential oils they use. And I love Glossier for makeup because it’s got the perfect amount of coverage without covering up who I am. A bonus is they’re both women-owned and operated!

Can you tell us about your shoot with PETA for their “All Animals Have The Same Parts” campaign? What inspired you to be a part of this?
The simplest reason for showing animals compassion is realizing that we, as humans, are animals too. We all have the same body parts, we all understand and feel fear and love. Animals who grow up in captivity live a terrible existence filled with disease and fear. This campaign brings awareness of what that would feel like for an animal or human.

We know you are a huge animal lover! Can you tell us a little bit about your bunny, Milo, and your puppy, Kora (who we were lucky enough to include in this shoot)? How well do they get along together?
I love my babies! They’re so sweet and I could not imagine life without them. When I first got Kora, I was really worried because I’d heard horror stories of dogs injuring or killing bunnies. For the first couple of days, Kora tried to play with Milo thinking he was a dog like her, and he was not happy about it. But then, one day Milo swatted at her with his paw and she got really scared of him. He asserted his dominance in a way. Now she doesn’t bother him. They sometimes nap together (as in near each other) and it makes me so happy.

Why do you think that having animals in your life is so important?
Animals don’t judge you, they love you and they teach you how to be gentle and loving. Kora also gets me outside on days when I don’t feel like doing anything. She makes me take her to the park and get out into the sunshine which is so important.

They say that being vegan is one of the first major steps we can make to help slow climate change. Can you please tell us your thoughts on this?
The proof is in the evidence and this is actually one of the main contributing factors to why I decided to go plant-based. Livestock farming emits more greenhouse gasses than the entire transportation industry combined and it uses around 30% of Earth’s land surface to grow feed for the animals. Also, unless you’re eating certified USDA prime grass fed meats that have been raised without hormones and injections, you’re continuously pumping your body with harmful chemicals.

What advice would you give to someone trying to go vegan?
I would say to not be so hard on yourself. Labeling yourself “vegan” can feel like a trap if you decide one day you really want a piece of bacon or a pair of leather boots. Choosing a conscious diet and lifestyle shouldn’t feel like you’ve got restraints on. That being said, it goes hand in hand with people who are currently vegan allowing room for people to come to the decision on their own. At the end of the day, someone consciously choosing a cruelty-free alternative, even once a day, has such a positive impact.

What is your motto in life?
My mom always mentioned the Golden Rule growing up, and that's "treat people how you would like to be treated". I’m not perfect and I don’t do this all of the time (especially in LA traffic) but I try to trade places with people and imagine how that might make me feel.

To learn more about Violett please follow her via the below platforms:
Instagram: violettbeane
Facebook: Viollett Beane
Twitter: violettbeane

Team Credits:
Photography: Kira Bucca Photography
Stylist: Taylor Greeley at Ennis Inc.
Hair/Make-up: Aleetha Clanton at Agency Gerard Management
Photo Assistant: Tam Nguyen