Posts tagged carbon emissions
Substantial Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Year

Every small step toward sustainability can significantly impact the environment, like turning off your lights and unplugging items when they aren’t in use to reduce your energy consumption. However, there are bigger measures you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and make a lasting impact on the environment. Here are some other substantial ways to become more eco-friendly this year.

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Breaking Down Clothing Labels: Eco-Friendly Materials to Look For

The fashion industry accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions, which is expected to increase by 50% by 2030. With climate change impacts on the rise, more people are starting to shift toward a sustainable lifestyle.

Recent surveys have indicated that 75% of millennials consider sustainable practices when purchasing products and aim to align themselves with brands that share their environmental values. An additional one-third of consumers are willing to spend more on products if they’re eco-friendly.

Some fashion brands have started to recognize the demand for eco-friendliness. If you’re interested in buying eco-friendly clothing but do not know where to start, here is a breakdown of how to read labels for sustainable fabrics.

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