Posts tagged period
Women's Health & Sustainability? Hello Nyssa!

I maybe a little ways off from having a child, but I’m 100% woman, and I know the struggles and pain of having a period. So, I was very curious to learn more when I found out about the women owned and run postpartum comfort underwear business Nyssa, who also helps with period pain. Like many women, I experience pretty severe pain for a few days a month. I have learned a few ways to manage it: work out more and wear period underwear, but the pain still comes. So, this month I got the pleasure to experiment with Nyssa’s underwear. I tried their Nyssa VieWear Underwear, which comes with an ice/heat pack and a pocket built into the underwear for it! While you still have to find a way to deal with the period itself, I have to say walking around with a heat pack on my back, certainly made me a lot happier this month. Also, as an added bonus, these are great for athletes who are prone to hurting themselves.. I may or may not know a little something about that. To learn more about this super empowering company, please read our exclusive interview below.

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To [Period] Cup or Not to Cup By Marina Buksov

It’s the new fad for sustainability, for saving resources and ridding our planet of non-biodegradable (and blood-soaked) materials, one period and one woman at a time. While Thinkx and similar platforms has revolutionized period-absorbent underwear, period cups go a step further in satisfying your cyclical needs. Learn more here!

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Lisa Linke Says Her Period Piece

After interviewing Lisa Linke, I knew I needed to have a new best friend. She is talented, passionate, hilarious, and tells it how it is. There were more than five times I found myself wanting to shout “hells yeah!” to her comments about women’s rights, equality, voting, and getting to know one’s period. Please read Jejune’s exclusive interview here. I know you will love her as much as I do!

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